Omagiu pentru Michael Jackson
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Re: Omagiu pentru Michael Jackson
"...He was young, he was sweet, he was gentle, he was naive, and he was very sad."
Re: Omagiu pentru Michael Jackson
"Jackson may have been treated as a freak by most celebrities, the media, and even the people who worked for him, but a planet full of young and old fans still sing his songs and watch his moves and swoon."
Re: Omagiu pentru Michael Jackson
da...articolul ala este...haretbreaking..vdaiana a scris:"...He was young, he was sweet, he was gentle, he was naive, and he was very sad."
"A lot of people that you will hear saying a lot of great things [about him] over the next couple days, they broke Michael Jackson's heart way before it gave way today."
"And whatever unsavory spectacle of public mourning unfolds before our eyes over the next few weeks, most of us will mourn Michael Jackson the way he lived his life: Privately, quietly, behind closed doors"
Nu pot sa zic ca eram un fan adevarat michael jackson, de genul sa am numai postere cu el prin camera, sa lesin pe la concerte... Dar nu exista o melodie a lui care sa nu imi placa...sau la care sa nu stiu versurile... Ca artist era nu cred ca o sa-l egaleze cineva prea curand... Iar ca om...mereu mi-a parut rau de tristetea lui. dadusera acum cativa ani la tv un interviu cu care el parea un prea corent sa zicem. de fapt cica ii taiasera din raspunsuri...ii aranjasera in asa fel incat sa oara el nebun. ca a aparut apoi si varianta adevarata...nemontata... sau doar daca asculti versurile melodiilor lui...iti dai seama ca omului asta chiar ii pasa si...doar voia macar sa fie acceptat, daca nu faca "the world a better place". melodiile lui chiar au mesaj...ceva de transmis...despre dorinta lui de a-si pastra inocenta copilariei de ex in childhood (before you judge me, try hard to love me), despre rasism si cum oamenii judeca dupa culoarea pielee in black or white, despre problemele pamantului in heal the world, despre dorinta de a fi iubit in will you be there...etc. fiecare melodie me arata cate un pic din felul lui de a fi, din suferintele fiacare cantec si-s pus o particica din in schimb a primit doar batjocura si suferinta.
Re: Omagiu pentru Michael Jackson
n-am avut ocazia sa zbier la vre-un concert de-al lui, dar am zbierat de bucurie cand am facut rost de discul Dangerous ca sa-l pot copia pe caseta.
postere... pffffuuu aveam cu gramada si colectie de versuri din reviste.
si suvite crete pe frunte io si cu o colega ne faceam cand era chef sau ceva... radeau aialalti but who cares.
a fost o perioada frumoasa cu pasiunea pentru michael, inainte si dupa mi-au placut multi artisti (cantareti, cantarete, formatii, actori), dar n-am fost asa innebunita dupa nici unul.
postere... pffffuuu aveam cu gramada si colectie de versuri din reviste.
si suvite crete pe frunte io si cu o colega ne faceam cand era chef sau ceva... radeau aialalti but who cares.
a fost o perioada frumoasa cu pasiunea pentru michael, inainte si dupa mi-au placut multi artisti (cantareti, cantarete, formatii, actori), dar n-am fost asa innebunita dupa nici unul.
Re: Omagiu pentru Michael Jackson
vai saracul de el... nu-mi vine sa cred.. de 2 zile sunt zombie... ascult toate piesele lui si parca imi pare rau ca nu l-am apreciat atat si inainte..
adica mereu l-am respectat, dar in ultimii ani cand o luase rau pe aratura parca ma gandeam ca-si merita soarta oarecum :(. in sensul ca se bagase intr-o gramada de rahaturi cu procese de pedofilie, datorii, efecte ale operatiilor etc.
si cand te gandesti prin ce drama a trait toata viata lui, cand te gandesti ca si-a facut operatiile alea pentru ca la vremea aia niciun negru nu mai aparuse vreodata la MTV si el stia ca o poate face... cand te uiti acum la atatea lucruri legate de el, multe dintre ele nu le stiam... ramai socat!
ce a realizat omul asta de-a lungul vietii lui, ce a compus el, ce videoclipuri a avut el pe vremea cand unii nici nu visau la asa ceva, cum a impletit frumusetea unui cantec cu atentionarea omenirii asupra pericolelor la care planeta e supusa, cu raul pe care il facem singuri naturii (earth song, heal the world)... cum a stiut el sa danseze.. a avut atatea chestii unice, atatea lucruri pe care el le-a lansat si care au fost apoi preluate de generatii intregi din toata lumea: palaria, suvitele carliontate, pantalonii negri cu sosete albe, plasturii de pe degete..
am aflat aseara 2 chestii remarcabile...
1. daca e adevarata inseamna ca EL va ramane "proaspat" ani de zile de acuma: in ultimii ani a compus si inregistrat peste 100 de cantece noi... care erau special pentru perioada cand el "nu va mai fi" si copiii lor vor trebui sa supravietuiasca fara el. A preferat sa tina ascunse toate acele piese care l-ar fi putut scapa e o mare parte din datorii doar pt binele si siguranta financiara a copiilor lui... pentru ca ei sa nu aiba in carca povara "lasata" de michael..
2. lisa marie a declarat pe blogul ei la scurt timp dupa aflarea vestii ca pe vremea cand erau casatoriti el i-a dezvaluit ca una din fricile lui cele mai mari e sa nu piara exact ca tatal ei, marele elvis: trist si singur.
Si iata ca istoria s-a repetat aproape la indigo... incredibil
Sa ne rugam ca e mai fericit si mai linistit acolo unde e el.. sa ne gandim macar pentru o clipa la tot ce a adus el bun pentru noi toti...
Un lucru e sigur: va ramane muuulta vreme in inimile si urechile noastre!
adica mereu l-am respectat, dar in ultimii ani cand o luase rau pe aratura parca ma gandeam ca-si merita soarta oarecum :(. in sensul ca se bagase intr-o gramada de rahaturi cu procese de pedofilie, datorii, efecte ale operatiilor etc.
si cand te gandesti prin ce drama a trait toata viata lui, cand te gandesti ca si-a facut operatiile alea pentru ca la vremea aia niciun negru nu mai aparuse vreodata la MTV si el stia ca o poate face... cand te uiti acum la atatea lucruri legate de el, multe dintre ele nu le stiam... ramai socat!
ce a realizat omul asta de-a lungul vietii lui, ce a compus el, ce videoclipuri a avut el pe vremea cand unii nici nu visau la asa ceva, cum a impletit frumusetea unui cantec cu atentionarea omenirii asupra pericolelor la care planeta e supusa, cu raul pe care il facem singuri naturii (earth song, heal the world)... cum a stiut el sa danseze.. a avut atatea chestii unice, atatea lucruri pe care el le-a lansat si care au fost apoi preluate de generatii intregi din toata lumea: palaria, suvitele carliontate, pantalonii negri cu sosete albe, plasturii de pe degete..
am aflat aseara 2 chestii remarcabile...
1. daca e adevarata inseamna ca EL va ramane "proaspat" ani de zile de acuma: in ultimii ani a compus si inregistrat peste 100 de cantece noi... care erau special pentru perioada cand el "nu va mai fi" si copiii lor vor trebui sa supravietuiasca fara el. A preferat sa tina ascunse toate acele piese care l-ar fi putut scapa e o mare parte din datorii doar pt binele si siguranta financiara a copiilor lui... pentru ca ei sa nu aiba in carca povara "lasata" de michael..
2. lisa marie a declarat pe blogul ei la scurt timp dupa aflarea vestii ca pe vremea cand erau casatoriti el i-a dezvaluit ca una din fricile lui cele mai mari e sa nu piara exact ca tatal ei, marele elvis: trist si singur.
Si iata ca istoria s-a repetat aproape la indigo... incredibil
Sa ne rugam ca e mai fericit si mai linistit acolo unde e el.. sa ne gandim macar pentru o clipa la tot ce a adus el bun pentru noi toti...
Un lucru e sigur: va ramane muuulta vreme in inimile si urechile noastre!
senorita- Membru Fondator
- Data de inscriere : 16/09/2008
Numarul mesajelor : 8729
Data nasterii : 28/09/1983
Varsta : 41
Re: Omagiu pentru Michael Jackson
no comment... tot am incercat sa scriu ceva... dar mi se pare de
prisos... poate acum este in lumea aceea mai buna si mai frumoasa
despre care a cantat mereu....
prisos... poate acum este in lumea aceea mai buna si mai frumoasa
despre care a cantat mereu....
DaniHeart- Membru V.I.P
- Data de inscriere : 13/10/2008
Numarul mesajelor : 2459
Data nasterii : 18/05/1980
Varsta : 44
Re: Omagiu pentru Michael Jackson
"In mod evident, criminalii din acest caz sunt medicii lui, care l-au tratat de-a lungul intregii sale cariere, care i-au distrus chipul, care i-au dat medicamente pentru a anihila durerea. Nu putea sa mai doarma si lua somnifere. Era un ipohondru si nu se stia niciodata daca era cu adevarat bolnav, pentru ca era inconjurat de medici sarlatani, care traiau de pe urma acestor boli ale sale, care ii prescriau medicamente si vitamine de mii si mii de dolari.", a declarat Tarak Ben Ammar, care a fost managerul starului american intr-unul din turneele mondiale ale cantaretului, la sfarsitul anilor '90.
Se pare ca Michael isi facea de trei ori pe zi injectii cu Demerol, care ii era administrat impotriva durerilor. Doza prea puternica de joi ar fi dus la moartea lui.
Numai ca artistul mai lua si un alt medicament, Dilaudid, si recent ii fusese prescris inca unul, Vicodin. Toate trei, luate in doze gresite, pot duce la moartea celui caruia ii sunt administrate.
Pe langa acestea, pe lista curenta a lui Michael se mai aflau medicamentul care relaxeaza muschii Soma, sedativul Xanax, anti-depresivul Zoloft, medicamentul impotriva anxietatii Paxil sau cel contra durerilor de inima Prilosec.
Autopsia nu a adus insa un rezultat concret al mortii lui Michael. Se stie ca doctorul curent al artistului, Conrad Robert Murray, este anchetat de politie. Medicul se afla acasa la cantaret in dimineata mortii acestuia.
O sursa apropiata familiei lui Michael spune, sub anonimat, ca rudele cred ca doza de Demerol de joi dimineata a fost cauza mortii superstarului.
singura lui greseala a fost ca...a vrut sa se faca iubit si acceptat de oameni, chiar daca astfel s-a distrus pe el ca a avut incredere in oameni...iar acestia au profitat de el...
Se pare ca Michael isi facea de trei ori pe zi injectii cu Demerol, care ii era administrat impotriva durerilor. Doza prea puternica de joi ar fi dus la moartea lui.
Numai ca artistul mai lua si un alt medicament, Dilaudid, si recent ii fusese prescris inca unul, Vicodin. Toate trei, luate in doze gresite, pot duce la moartea celui caruia ii sunt administrate.
Pe langa acestea, pe lista curenta a lui Michael se mai aflau medicamentul care relaxeaza muschii Soma, sedativul Xanax, anti-depresivul Zoloft, medicamentul impotriva anxietatii Paxil sau cel contra durerilor de inima Prilosec.
Autopsia nu a adus insa un rezultat concret al mortii lui Michael. Se stie ca doctorul curent al artistului, Conrad Robert Murray, este anchetat de politie. Medicul se afla acasa la cantaret in dimineata mortii acestuia.
O sursa apropiata familiei lui Michael spune, sub anonimat, ca rudele cred ca doza de Demerol de joi dimineata a fost cauza mortii superstarului.
singura lui greseala a fost ca...a vrut sa se faca iubit si acceptat de oameni, chiar daca astfel s-a distrus pe el ca a avut incredere in oameni...iar acestia au profitat de el...
Re: Omagiu pentru Michael Jackson
ce scria tipa asta pe blogul ei in decembrie 2008:
Michael Jackson and his never ending problem…
This morning I was listening to the radio and heard the bad news that Michael was sue over his kido, Blanket. The woman who claims to be a substitute mother that gave birth to Blanket and want some financial help of $1Billion dollar from a bankrupt fallen king of pop.
Just when I feel pity for him and wonder what is he going to do, the 9pm news broke that Michael is seriously ill and needs an emergency lung transplant inorder survive.
In fact, he been battling the disease for several years…
and yet he got to face criticism that was made.
Its time to give the man a break…
cata dreptate
Michael Jackson and his never ending problem…
This morning I was listening to the radio and heard the bad news that Michael was sue over his kido, Blanket. The woman who claims to be a substitute mother that gave birth to Blanket and want some financial help of $1Billion dollar from a bankrupt fallen king of pop.
Just when I feel pity for him and wonder what is he going to do, the 9pm news broke that Michael is seriously ill and needs an emergency lung transplant inorder survive.
In fact, he been battling the disease for several years…
and yet he got to face criticism that was made.
Its time to give the man a break…
cata dreptate
senorita- Membru Fondator
- Data de inscriere : 16/09/2008
Numarul mesajelor : 8729
Data nasterii : 28/09/1983
Varsta : 41
senorita- Membru Fondator
- Data de inscriere : 16/09/2008
Numarul mesajelor : 8729
Data nasterii : 28/09/1983
Varsta : 41
Re: Omagiu pentru Michael Jackson
Friday, June 26, 2009
He Knew.
Years ago Michael and I were having a deep conversation about life in general.
I can't recall the exact subject matter but he may have been questioning me about the circumstances of my Fathers Death.
At some point he paused, he stared at me very intensely and he stated with an almost calm certainty, "I am afraid that I am going to end up like him, the way he did."
I promptly tried to deter him from the idea, at which point he just shrugged his shoulders and nodded almost matter of fact as if to let me know, he knew what he knew and that was kind of that.
14 years later I am sitting here watching on the news an ambulance leaves the driveway of his home, the big gates, the crowds outside the gates, the coverage, the crowds outside the hospital, the Cause of death and what may have led up to it and the memory of this conversation hit me, as did the unstoppable tears.
A predicted ending by him, by loved ones and by me, but what I didn't predict was how much it was going to hurt when it finally happened.
The person I failed to help is being transferred right now to the LA County Coroners office for his Autopsy.
All of my indifference and detachment that I worked so hard to achieve over the years has just gone into the bowels of hell and right now I am gutted.
I am going to say now what I have never said before because I want the truth out there for once.
Our relationship was not "a sham" as is being reported in the press. It was an unusual relationship yes, where two unusual people who did not live or know a "Normal life" found a connection, perhaps with some suspect timing on his part. Nonetheless, I do believe he loved me as much as he could love anyone and I loved him very much.
I wanted to "save him" I wanted to save him from the inevitable which is what has just happened.
His family and his loved ones also wanted to save him from this as well but didn't know how and this was 14 years ago. We all worried that this would be the outcome then.
At that time, In trying to save him, I almost lost myself.
He was an incredibly dynamic force and power that was not to be underestimated.
When he used it for something good, It was the best and when he used it for something bad, It was really, REALLY bad.
Mediocrity was not a concept that would even for a second enter Michael Jackson's being or actions.
I became very ill and emotionally/ spiritually exhausted in my quest to save him from certain self-destructive behavior and from the awful vampires and leeches he would always manage to magnetize around him.
I was in over my head while trying.
I had my children to care for, I had to make a decision.
The hardest decision I have ever had to make, which was to walk away and let his fate have him, even though I desperately loved him and tried to stop or reverse it somehow.
After the Divorce, I spent a few years obsessing about him and what I could have done different, in regret.
Then I spent some angry years at the whole situation.
At some point, I truly became Indifferent, until now.
As I sit here overwhelmed with sadness, reflection and confusion at what was my biggest failure to date, watching on the news almost play by play The exact Scenario I saw happen on August 16th, 1977 happening again right now with Michael (A sight I never wanted to see again) just as he predicted, I am truly, truly gutted.
Any ill experience or words I have felt towards him in the past has just died inside of me along with him.
He was an amazing person and I am lucky to have gotten as close to him as I did and to have had the many experiences and years that we had together.
I desperately hope that he can be relieved from his pain, pressure and turmoil now.
He deserves to be free from all of that and I hope he is in a better place or will be.
I also hope that anyone else who feels they have failed to help him can be set free because he hopefully finally is.
The World is in shock but somehow he knew exactly how his fate would be played out some day more than anyone else knew, and he was right.
I really needed to say this right now, thanks for listening.
~LMP (lisa marie presley)
He Knew.
Years ago Michael and I were having a deep conversation about life in general.
I can't recall the exact subject matter but he may have been questioning me about the circumstances of my Fathers Death.
At some point he paused, he stared at me very intensely and he stated with an almost calm certainty, "I am afraid that I am going to end up like him, the way he did."
I promptly tried to deter him from the idea, at which point he just shrugged his shoulders and nodded almost matter of fact as if to let me know, he knew what he knew and that was kind of that.
14 years later I am sitting here watching on the news an ambulance leaves the driveway of his home, the big gates, the crowds outside the gates, the coverage, the crowds outside the hospital, the Cause of death and what may have led up to it and the memory of this conversation hit me, as did the unstoppable tears.
A predicted ending by him, by loved ones and by me, but what I didn't predict was how much it was going to hurt when it finally happened.
The person I failed to help is being transferred right now to the LA County Coroners office for his Autopsy.
All of my indifference and detachment that I worked so hard to achieve over the years has just gone into the bowels of hell and right now I am gutted.
I am going to say now what I have never said before because I want the truth out there for once.
Our relationship was not "a sham" as is being reported in the press. It was an unusual relationship yes, where two unusual people who did not live or know a "Normal life" found a connection, perhaps with some suspect timing on his part. Nonetheless, I do believe he loved me as much as he could love anyone and I loved him very much.
I wanted to "save him" I wanted to save him from the inevitable which is what has just happened.
His family and his loved ones also wanted to save him from this as well but didn't know how and this was 14 years ago. We all worried that this would be the outcome then.
At that time, In trying to save him, I almost lost myself.
He was an incredibly dynamic force and power that was not to be underestimated.
When he used it for something good, It was the best and when he used it for something bad, It was really, REALLY bad.
Mediocrity was not a concept that would even for a second enter Michael Jackson's being or actions.
I became very ill and emotionally/ spiritually exhausted in my quest to save him from certain self-destructive behavior and from the awful vampires and leeches he would always manage to magnetize around him.
I was in over my head while trying.
I had my children to care for, I had to make a decision.
The hardest decision I have ever had to make, which was to walk away and let his fate have him, even though I desperately loved him and tried to stop or reverse it somehow.
After the Divorce, I spent a few years obsessing about him and what I could have done different, in regret.
Then I spent some angry years at the whole situation.
At some point, I truly became Indifferent, until now.
As I sit here overwhelmed with sadness, reflection and confusion at what was my biggest failure to date, watching on the news almost play by play The exact Scenario I saw happen on August 16th, 1977 happening again right now with Michael (A sight I never wanted to see again) just as he predicted, I am truly, truly gutted.
Any ill experience or words I have felt towards him in the past has just died inside of me along with him.
He was an amazing person and I am lucky to have gotten as close to him as I did and to have had the many experiences and years that we had together.
I desperately hope that he can be relieved from his pain, pressure and turmoil now.
He deserves to be free from all of that and I hope he is in a better place or will be.
I also hope that anyone else who feels they have failed to help him can be set free because he hopefully finally is.
The World is in shock but somehow he knew exactly how his fate would be played out some day more than anyone else knew, and he was right.
I really needed to say this right now, thanks for listening.
~LMP (lisa marie presley)
Re: Omagiu pentru Michael Jackson
eu tot caut o melodie de-a lui si habar nu am cum ii zice... si nici sa reproduc nu stiu .. offff cat era de faina am auzit-o la tv....
Re: Omagiu pentru Michael Jackson
ce frumos peste tot in lume s-au adunat fanii sa cante si sa danseze in memoria lui.
Re: Omagiu pentru Michael Jackson
Ultima editare efectuata de catre vdaiana in Dum Iun 28 2009, 05:02, editata de 2 ori
Criiis- ModerNator
- Data de inscriere : 17/09/2008
Numarul mesajelor : 31231
Data nasterii : 19/12/1986
Varsta : 37
Localizare : acolo unde nici cu gandul nu gandesti...
Re: Omagiu pentru Michael Jackson
au spus la radio azi ca 7 fani din toata lumea s-au ramas muta
Re: Omagiu pentru Michael Jackson
am vazut si eu
exact asta vroiam sa scriu cand am intrat
madonna a pus pe o poza cu ea si michael. frumos!
exact asta vroiam sa scriu cand am intrat
madonna a pus pe o poza cu ea si michael. frumos!
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